Singing Guide: Prince & The Revolution

Singing Guide: Prince & The Revolution

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Prince

Prince and The Revolution were an iconic band that produced some of the most legendary music of their time. Prince's unique vocal technique and creativity provided an unparalleled depth of music for people to sing and learn from. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Prince with our online educational resources.

Master Your Range

To sing like Prince, you must first master your range and begin to listen to Prince's music carefully. HRH's range was tremendous and could go incredibly high. Our famous Vocal range test can help you discover your range and compare it to Prince's monumental vocal range.

Develop Your Technique

You should also feel comfortable with Prince's signature vocal technique of falsetto and range alteration. Our Pitch accuracy test will help you master your falsetto, pitch accuracy, and develop your sound. We have a handy Vocal Pitch Monitor tool to see your sung notes on a virtual piano and help you refine your accuracy in producing desired notes.

Explore Different Genres and Styles

Prince was notorious for his unique techniques of creating and mixing different musical genres, genres that include rock, funk, soul, and blues. Our pitch training involves interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for agility, range, and modulation. The tool will help you gain an appreciation of music as a whole and expand your vocal range and versatility.

Find the Right Songs

One thing that made Prince so special was his ability to create anthemic songs that would get your adrenaline pumping. Searched by vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference on our website, our Song search tool will help you find songs to match your unique vocal range and musical taste. You'll find Prince songbook to train with, links for lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

Watch Video Tutorials

Prince had an incredible vocal versatility, enabling him to switch between styles such as falsetto, chest voice, and head voice effortlessly. Check out our video resources, which feature exercises on chest voice, head voice, and specially crafted videos on how to use nasality to your benefit. Our singing course provides 21 lessons covering singing theory and practical tips. It is perfect to help you get started on your journey to find your authentic voice through music.

Read Articles

We also have an essential list of articles that will be helpful in your growth as a singer. For instance, "Resonance in Singing" is perfect for people who want to learn how to access different regions of their voice. And to help you overcome stage fright, check out our article "How to Overcome stage Fright."


In conclusion, it is enjoyable to learn and sing like Prince with our ample educational resources and tools. Prince's unique vocal technique and creativity are well documented and an excellent source for people interested in learning and growing as singers. Start your journey of becoming a versatile singer today with Singing Carrots.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.